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The Cost of War: the Accounts Chamber Named the Amount of State Budget Spending on Defense

In the first half of 2023, revenues from domestic sources (UAH 893 billion) fully met the needs of the state budget for spending on national security and defense. Social spending was financed by international assistance.

According to the press service, spending on national security and defense accounted for 49% of the general fund’s spending.

External financial support from international financial organizations accounted for half of the revenues of the general fund of the state budget and was directed, in particular, to wages for employees (except military) of state institutions, social protection and health care.

In addition, in the first half of 2023, the annual plan for revenues to the Fund for the Elimination of the Consequences of Armed Aggression was exceeded. The Fund received 45 billion hryvnias, another 17 billion hryvnias were the balance of funds at the beginning of the year, expenses were spent in the amount of 4 billion hryvnias, or 19% allocated by the Cabinet of Ministers.

In the reporting period, the Cabinet of Ministers allocated funds from the reserve fund for measures to strengthen the state’s defense capability, provide material financial assistance to those affected by the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam and provide drinking water to four regions of Ukraine, the press service reported.

Recall that defense spending in 2023 is 1.6 trillion hryvnia, and this is not the final figure. At the same time, Ukraine will collect taxes for 1.3 trillion hryvnia. Ukraine cannot use international financial assistance (another 1.6 trillion hryvnias) for military purposes, these funds go to social spending.

According to the Ministry of Finance, in 2024 the spending of the security and defense sector will not be lower than in the current year.

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